Quail fillets, roasted parsnip purée, liquorice carcass jus
Gluten free, Vegetables and Fruits, Poultry
A small game that we cook all too rarely, technically quite simple, which requires attention to cooking.
Singeing the carcasses at the beginning and the butter at the end are steps that will bring a binder (thickening) to your juice.
Recipe for 4 persQuail
Carcass juice
Parsnip purée
- Salt and pepper
Preparation time: 90 min
Preheat your Oven at 400 °F
Peel the parsnips, quarter them lengthwise, remove the core and cut into pieces.
Peel the garlic cloves and crush with the blade of your knife.
Remove the thyme leaves.
Lift the quail fillets and legs (same principle as for the chicken).
Peel and chop the shallot, then peel and slice the carrot.
Lightly crush the garlic cloves with the skin on.
Parsnip mousseline
Dans une poêle chaude avec de l'huile d'olive et une noisette de beurre, salez, faites revenir les morceaux de panais, le thym et l'ail écrasé. Allez chercher une légère coloration.
Pendant ce temps, faites chauffer votre crème. Assurez-vous que votre panais est cuit, versez la crème chaude dans la poêle.
Continuez la cuisson durant une bonne minute, versez le tout dans le blender, mixez, rectifiez l'assaisonnement.
Quail fillets and legs, jus
Fillets and legs
In a hot frying pan with butter and a drizzle of olive oil, sear the fillets and thighs on the skin. Season with salt on the flesh side of the pan. Add the unpeeled garlic and thyme sprigs.
Baste (feed) the meat with the fat in the pan, making sure it's cooked through (you can flash them in the oven for three minutes before serving).
The juice
Crush the quail carcasses and brown them in a rondeau with the garnish (shallot, carrot).
Stir in the flour, add the water and reduce to a rolling boil. Once reduced by half, filter the juice, place back over high heat and continue cooking.
Once reduced by at least another half, remove from heat and stir in cold butter and liquorice powder.
Place a generous spoonful of parsnip mousseline on a plate, place a fillet and a thigh on one side and lightly baste the meat with its carcass juices.
Singeing the carcasses at the beginning and the butter at the end are steps that will bring a binder (thickening) to your juice.