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Hazelnut financier, milk chocolate cream with a hazelnut nougatine |

A classic French cookie, crunchy outside, moist inside. With a milk chocolate and hazelnut nougatine twist!


Recipe for 4 persons

Hazelnut financier

90 Gr
Icing sugar
65 Gr
Hazelnut powder
65 Gr
Slightly salted butter
90 Gr
Egg white
30 Gr
3 Ml
Vanilla extract

Milk chocolate cream

125 Ml
35% whipping cream
65 Gr
Milk chocolate
1 Pinch(es)
Sea salt flakes

Hazelnut nougatine

25 Gr
Icing sugar
50 Gr
  • Butter

Preparation time: 30 min

Preheat your four at 350 °F

  • Financier batter

    Melt your butter on medium/low heat and continue to cook until it takes a slightly golden brown color.  Ideally, don't stop mixing until it is ready.  In your stand mixer bowl, combine the sieved flour, hazelnut powder and icing sugar.  Mix well with the help of a whisk and then add the egg whites one by one (room temperature) and then the vanilla.  Finish by adding the warm butter and mix well.  Place this mix in a pastry bag and then fill your molds to three quarters.  Place in the oven and cook for about 15 minutes, or until they have a nice golden brown color and are nice and fluffy inside.

  • Milk chocolate cream

    In a small sauce pot, bring the cream and salt to a boil, then pour it onto the chocolate.  Mix well to combine.  Add the rest of the cold cream, mix and then let cool in the fridge.  You will whip this as you would normal whipped cream once you are ready to serve.

  • Hazelnut nougatine

    In a sauce pot, combine the hazelnuts and icing sugar with the help of a wooden spatula.  On medium heat, mix continuously.  Once the sugar starts to color, lower the heat.  Once you have reached the desired level of caramelization, spread the hazelnuts on a baking sheet to stop them from cooking more.  Store in a dry area.

  • To finish

    Place two financiers on a plate.  Break apart the nougatine and sprinkle it on the plate.  Add the milk chocolate cream with the help of a spoon.

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