Original and ingredients, Sours
This candy flavored drink, blackberries and pink lemonade will suit you with its summer sweetness
Recipe for 1 Cocktail
4 Unit(s)
0.50 Oz
Lemon juice
0.50 Oz
Bubble-gum syrup
1 Oz
White cranberry juice
1 Oz
Beefeater gin
2 Oz
Lorina pink lemonade
- Ice

Muddle the blackberries with the lemon juice and the syrup out then pour the rest of the ingredients (except the lemonade !!). Fill it up with ice cubes and shake well for 8 to 10 seconds. Strain your cocktail out into a Wine glass, fill it up with the lemonade.
Cocktails glasses
Wine glass
Method of preparation
Muddler -
Add a blackberries skewer on the edge of your glass...