samedi 21 septembre 18:00 to 21:00
Let yourself be carried away with your chef and realize a delicious 3-course meal!
- Jack-in-the-box type lemon pie with rosemary and pecan crumble, lemon powder and foam
- Cauliflower cream, with toast of home made duck rillette and fresh chive oil |
- Sole with shrimp mousse, roasted shrimp, leek fondue, garlic mayo, chilli and turmeric |
Le prix inclut un cours de cuisine d'environ 2 heures et la dégustation sur place des plats préparés dans une ambiance chaleureuse ! Breuvages non inclus, pourboire apprécié !
Vous aurez accès sur place à notre carte des vins, bières et cocktails !
You would like a private workshop? Ask us about our private classes and events: Groups and Companies
- All of our general public courses are offered in French. We offer courses in English only in a private setting.
Locate your course
Ateliers & Saveurs Plateau Mont-Royal
4832 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, QC H2T 1R5 (514) 849-2866GENERAL INFORMATION
Parking on the street.
Mont-Royal station